The Book Thief Wiki

Death is the narrator of the book "The Book Thief."


Death is the sarcastic and intelligent narrator of the book "The Book Thief". It has always carried the souls of people who passed away, trying especially hard to not get attached to any human. However, something about Liesel Meminger, a girl that met Death 3 times before passing away, forced death to make an exception.

  • The first time Death met Liesel was on the moving train, during the winter of 1939. The color Death saw when it was holding the soul... was white, like the snow that covered the ground. -Death sees colors in the sky when it picks up souls, and the color depends on a person. It's favorite is dark chocolate brown.- Death picked up the small soul of Werner Meminger, Liesel's little brother. However, Death stayed longer than expected. After 20 minutes, it climbed off the train with Liesel and her mother, getting curious.
  • The second time Death met Liesel was in the end of the World War II. The color Death saw in the sky was pitch black. This time, Death arrived to the place earlier than needed. It often does so, which led to Death's second meeting with Liesel. It recognized the girl, and met Liesel's friend Rudy. The dead soul was a pilot, in the darkest moment before dawn. The plane has crashed, coughing smoke into the man's lungs. Death carried the soul, annoyed by the crowd of people.
  • The third time Death met Liesel was when the world ended for Liesel. She has not passed away, however her world turned upside down. The sky was blood red, somewhat like soup. There were many souls Death carried, and at the last moment, it saw Liesel. She was clutching to a book, the start of the story. The diary Liesel wrote about herself, the story that Death tells to the readers. Liesel leaves the book behind, and Death picks it up.
  • Before Liesel passes away, Death returns Liesel Meminger's diary to her. And then takes her body.